Kangal Shepherd (pronounced US: kahng· al) is a huge, heavy-boned dog that originated in Turkey and is primarily used as a guard dog. It typically has a black mask and velvety ears distinct from the rest of the colors of the body.

Quick information

Other namesKarabash, Turkish Kangal
Height28 to 32 inches (2.3 – 2.6 Feet)
Weight90 to 145 pounds (40.8 Kgs – 65.77 Kgs)
Life expectancy12 to 15 years
Breed typeWorking
ColorTan with black ears and muzzle
Activity levelMedium
Litter Size4 – 10 Puppies
GroupFlock Guardian
ExerciseDaily walk needed
TemperamentPeaceful and loving to his master but territorial towards strangers
Daily Food ConsumptionBetween 2,500 – 3,500 calories
OriginSivas, Turkey
Grooming NeedsModerate
Shedding LevelModerate
GroupStock Guardian Group

Kangal shepherd Dog Pictures

History of Kangal Dog Breed

Kangal Shepherd is an ancient flock-guarding breed similar to that of the mastiff-type. The name “Kangal” is derived from the Kangal District of Sivas Province in the central part of Turkey, where the breed is thought to originate.

Kangal Shepherds are used to guarding flocks of sheep and goats from traditional predators like bears, wolves, and jackals. In 1965, Kangal Shepherd first arrived in the United Kingdom, and they eventually arrived in the United States in 1985.

Temperament and Behavior

  • As a guard dog, Kangal Shepherds are territorial and alert to strangers.
  • They are protective of their masters.
  • They are intimidating because of their built, and will not hesitate to attack predators when needed.
  • Growling and biting are not only Kangal’s way of communicating displeasure but a way for all dogs.

It is important to train Kangal Shepherd at a young age, especially if you want to make it a house dog. Humans should act as the alpha to tame Kangal, especially during moments of displeasure.

Health and Care

When compared to other dogs, the Kangal puppy matures slowly. They need proper care and attention as they can be extremely cumbersome.

They chew and dig, especially digging under the fences. So, you have to carefully check your fence to ensure that the dogs will not escape from your house.

As a puppy, Kangal Shepherds are cute and goofy but are powerful when they reach adulthood. Feeding requires a high-quality kibble but can also benefit from a raw diet provided meats are fresh.

People living in the suburbs should refrain from giving a raw diet to their dogs because of the logistical requirements when preparing foods.

Common Health Problems

  • Hip dysplasia
  • Entropion (the eyelid turns inward)
  • Lipoma


Kangal Shepherd has a double coat but is short and dense. The topcoat is usually tan and harsh to touch, while the undercoat is grey and soft. It is a moderate shedder and so regular grooming is a must.

  • Brushing must be done weekly using a slicker to get rid of debris and dead hair.
  • Bathing is not always required because the topcoat can resist dirt and moisture. You can bathe them once a month or when necessary.
  • Keep the nails short using a dog nail clipper or grinding tools.


Kangal Shepherds are easy to house train, especially when begun as a puppy. The owner needs to set a routine, especially when it comes to crate training.

If your purpose of owning a Kangal is to use it for protecting the flock, you need to start herding and obedience training right away. Although, Kangal shepherds have innate traits and abilities.

Frequently asked Questions

Q. When do Kangal Shepherd Dog Bark?

A. When he detects risk, a Kangal Shepherd dog cautions its foe that he is available nearby. They do this to scare the attacker.

Q. What is Kangal Shepherd breed price in India?

A. A Kangal shepherd can cost you around Rs.60000 to Rs.65000 in India

Q. What is Kangal Shepherd breed price in USA, UK, and Canada?

A. A Kangal shepherd cost around $500-$2000 (USD, $) in the USA, CAN $600- $1300 (CAD, Can$) in Canada and around 1000 pounds (GBP, £) in the UK.

Q. Do Kangal shepherds shed a lot?

A. Because of their short and thick coats, Kangal shepherds usually require minimum grooming. However, they tend to shed a lot heavily during start of spring and winter.

Q. Are Kangal shepherds family companion dogs?

A. Kangal shepherds make great family dogs as they are reliable, docile, loving and calm in nature.

Q. What is Kangal shepherd breed’s average weight?

A. A male Kangal shepherd usually weigh somewhere around 110 to 140lbs (49.8 Kgs – 63.5 Kgs) , whereas a female Kangal shepherd weigh around 90-120lbs (40.8 Kgs – 54.4 Kgs)

Q. Do Kangal shepherds tend to bark a lot?

A. Yes, Kangal shepherds do tend to bark a lot, but it can be controlled with proper training at young age.

Q. Can Kangal shepherds be trained easily

A. Yes, Kangal shepherds are easy to train as they are smart dogs. They are generally employed by farmers to guard their livestock and property due to their intelligence.

Q. What is the average lifespan of a Kangal shepherd?

A. Average lifespan of a Kangal shepherd would be around 12 to 15 years easily.